I still remember the days when any polo match used to telecast and leaving all my stuff aside, I used to glue to my couch with large glass of coke and nachos in hand. The time when with every goal, I used to jump off my couch making loud noise and almost shaking the walls of my rooms. Lol That was the time when my love for this sport began to flourish J I used to think a day will come, when I will also watch this match live and will experience this game of kings with great deal of amusement and mirth. Months and years passed and one fine day I got a special invite from The Reid and Taylor to come and watch the match at their premium lounge at Jaipur Polo Ground.

Polo was and will remain a pinnacle of sports. I enjoyed this fast and furious game in a very amiable social atmosphere. It was certainly one of the most glittering events on the social calendar of the global elite. Finally Samir Suhag smashed five goals in powering Cavalry-Jindal Polo to a 11-9 victory over Jindal-Carysil in the final round and won the match. The ground was full with applauds. It was my first live polo experience and I enjoyed it thoroughly.
After polo match we left for a nice mid evening lunch at “The living Room” which was followed by a nice musical evening at “Thadi” where we enjoyed the hot cup of tea at open terrace. The chilly winter, laung chai, amazing company and sound of drums made my evening perfect J
The day was memorable and definitely scores a special entry in my blog J
Felt as if i was dere watching the game wid u....great job done in mentioning the details to the best u could....!!